Friday, April 18, 2008

didnt see this coming

so after i had said that we no longer fight about him joining the marines, and just talk about it, we fought. (of cource) it was last night, and it was awful. I dont really know what happened, he kinda snapped at me. I tried to explain why it would be different, and even our phone calls after he is out of boot camp will be different. They should be, because they should mean more after spending some solid time together this summer. (he leaves sept 2)
He feels that every time he tries to be positive about something i just try to make it sound bad. I dont mean to if i actually do. He says he just trys to go day by day, but this is such a big portion, that i dont want to go into it blind.... and he shouldnt either. I dont want to plan out the next 4 years, but have a little bit of an idea of how it happens. I didnt want to fight, it was def. not a screaming match or anything, just frustration. Wish we were on the same page. Wish he knew why him being gone for 4 years is hard on me... and i wish i knew why he wanted to go.

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