Wednesday, April 23, 2008

To Another

I hope everyone has had the chance before to check out

This week, there was a secret sent in from a a person in the Navy saying "I have less than 6 weeks left in boot camp, i know you have my adress. Please write"

wow, if you have read my last blogs you can imagine what shock I felt when I read that. I knew it was important to write to him when he leaves this september, but this makes it even more important. there was a blog set up for him, so that others could write to him as well. You can ask the person who set it up for the log in information, and write something yourself, it is amazing, and it is so important. Maybe if you have a love one who is involved in the military, you can tell them about this blog, because it is ment for anyone who wants to escape back home for a moment.

Me and my own have been good the last couple of nights, I have been really tired though so sometimes the converstations are hard for me to be a real part of. I have to remind myself of the importance of these conversations, because in september they wont get to happen. September is so close. The only problem with going to bed at night is I know that when I wake up in the morning, it is one day closer to when he leaves.

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